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CEFR COMPANION Volume with new descriptors. 2018 brought a step forward in the process started by the Council of Europe as regarding the new


logo.jpg 1The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is an internatio- nal standard for describing language ability on a six point scales starting from A1 (be- ginners) up to C2 (those who have mastered a language). There are three macro-areas: A (beginners/basic), B (intermediate/independent), C (advanced/proficiency). The diffe- rent scales describe what language learners do at different stages and across different language skills such as: reading, writing, listening, spoken interaction, spoken produc- tion. The CEFR has also a useful ‘Global Scale’ providing a concise overview of ability at each CEFR level. Since its publication in 2001, the CEFR has been translated into 40 languages and its use has spread all over the world, being ‘language neutral’ - that is it can be applied to any foreign language learning situation. All international exams and certifications are mapped to the CEFR. 

In passing times, the reflection upon the language needed to be reviewed in the context for 21st language learning and the exposure to different approaches as well as it had to reinforce the CEFR message for learning, teaching and assessment. The context we are living now is, past a doubt, one of multilingualism and we need to tend to the plurilingualism, that is the ability of the individual to be proficient speaker in more languages.  

1 That’s why the need to work on the NEW COMPANION as a mirror of the chan- ging times. New modes were introduced in the new Volume, as a result of a strong pro- ject of action research supported. Reception, Interaction, Production and Mediation 2 are the categories which better reflect the way people actually use the language and may be easily found into the world of work (ESP) as well as in CLIL methodology. The New Companion is the result of a strong work led throughout 2017 and it takes an innovative stance up to different stages:  Learners are language users and social agents - Language is a vehicle for communication (language for the language) rather than a simple subject to study No more exercises like ‘the pen is on the table’ but a more aware use of the language - Teaching and Learning processes, also in literature classes, are driven by ac- tion, and this is ‘action oriented’. - The criterion suggested for assessment is communicative ability in real life and real life tasks. 

Thus, learners are social agents, the approach is action-oriented and the aim is to develop a linguistic repertoire in which all linguistic abilities may have a place. New scales were therefore a direct consequence introduced in the New Compa- nion according to specific contexts: - building on pluricultural repertoire (the use of pluricultural competences in a communicative situation) - Literature (reading as a leisure activity, expressing a personal response to creative texts, analysis and criticism of creative texts). Council of Europe 2 The Companion Volume enriches the descriptor scales by adding scales for new areas (e.g. the Online Interaction) as well as providing guidance with a clear rationale for each scale, therefore making the message of CEFR more accessible to the readers. Lear- ning, teaching and assessment can be viewed according to different macro and micro areas, each one with a specific descriptor scale. Such a new extension of the Companion Volume sets the CEFR descriptors in a context of modern language learning, with a new integrated approach to language edu- cation across the curriculum and teaching with a more active approach, with an increa- sed awareness of the language for the language. The Companion particularly welcomes descriptors concerned with online inte- raction, collaborative learning and mediating the text - that are ‘taking the dynamic na- ture of meaning making to another level’ . 3 In the beginning 2018, the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR), together with IN- DIRE and the Regional School Offices (USR) chose 20 teachers for an Action-Research on the Companion under the guidance of Dr. Gisella Langè (MIUR). They had to test and experiment the new Online Interaction descriptor, and stu- dents were supported to live ‘digital experience’ as technoCLIL, webtools for learning, STEM, STEAM and 3D Augmented Reality, as well as reinforcing the experience of as 4 eTwinning. Next step: a group of Italian teachers (led by Gisella Langé and Maria Agnese Leopardi) is working on the New Companion, so to start creating a shared archive of modules and activities for Italian schools at all levels in a vision of plurilingualism and pluriculturalism. The best is yet to come and we are proud to be part of it! North and Piccardo, 2017 3 Project Based Learning 4 

Angela Panzarella (02/08/1978), laureata in lingue e letterature straniere moderne (inglese e serbocroato) con indirizzo filologico letterario, un’ulteriore laurea in lettere (storia delle tradizioni popolari) presso La Sapienza di Roma, master in traduzione, abilitazione SSIS (A345/A346), master CeCLIL (Ca’ Foscari) e Metodologie CLIL nel XXI secolo (IUL Firenze), benemerenza in Filologia (Philology Sila Trophy, per il saggio “As You Like Her…”), expertise in bilingual education since primary years, dopo anni di docenza nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado, insegna inglese nella scuola primaria per la sperimentazione e il proseguimento dell’esperienza bilingue (IBI-BEI, istruzione bilingue, bilingual education, CLIL & technoCLIL) nella provincia di Milano. E’ formatrice riconosciuta dall’USR Lombardia (per corsi linguistici e metodologici CLIL, technoCLIL e webtools per la didattica) e certificatrice Cambridge Young Learners (International House) ed ESOL (Cambridge, International House, English Speaking Board). Referente per l’Internazionalizzazione, è anche esperta eTwinning, Erasmus+ ed Europrogettazione, con partecipazione a seminari multilaterali in Italia, Europa e Paesi del Mediterraneo. Attiva con pubblicazioni anche su Scientix e per Stem Discovery Week. Ha scritto per i suoi “gnomi” (come si diverte a chiamarli, e per i quali è Miss Angela), la collana completa di testi per la didattica bilingue 100% CLIL e technoCLIL per la scuola primaria.Last but not least, è una bassista con esperienze musicali in ambito nazionale e internazionale.



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